Packing 1,000+ Pepper Zhang books...
By the time this post is live, most (if not all) of the Pepper Zhang orders have been shipped to the 1,000+ backers and customers who pre-or

What if your favorite children's book character was Asian?
I’m not easily offended and can’t say that I’m overly sensitive about race. I’m more of a realist and a jaded New Yorker. I expect to see...

Why Adults Should Read Children's Books
We, as adults, are a pretentious group. Take wine for example. I’m a big fan, but I’m also aware that it is simply grape juice. The same...

Not your "China Doll"
It’s not a secret that there’s a prevalent fetishization of Asian women that exists in both Western and Eastern cultures. A fantasy that an

On Childhood Superheroes
But people can't see my values and experiences by looking at my face. They can't see that I'm American because I look Chinese.

On Writing & Fatherhood
Writing is hard. Being a father is much much harder - and I’m not even talking about being a good father (whatever that means). But somehow,